Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WOD 1/23

10 minutes, high-intensity running/biking

30 push-ups

1x max plank

5 minutes, high-intensity running/biking

2 sets of...
--20 bodyweight squats
--30 jumping jacks
--Plank, 75% of previous time
5 minutes, high-intensity running/biking

3 sets of....
--10x overhead press
--10 lunges
--Plank, same amount of time as previous sets.

5 minutes, high-intensity running/biking

30 pull-ups/pull-downs

A word on our exercise choices...
I am sure many of you have noticed that the exercise have not deviated much from the above. The reason for this is to keep the workouts functional. These exercises require big groups of muscles, rather than isolating one small group at a time. When we isolate one small group, we are doing something non-functional, creating a movement that is not natural. Think about this; a seated leg extension movement is something we hardly replicate in daily life. Can you think of a time when you recreate this movement? Probably not. Instead of that, try doing squats. This is a natural motion (thinking of sitting down and standing up) and think about all the leg muscles you are using in that motion, versus the seated leg extension. Basically, these exercises we use and re-use are to create functional strength, and these functional movements build muscle in a way that we can utilize them to their full potential.

Enjoy your Wednesday!

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